Spring Lamb Cupcakes

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Spring Lamb Cupcakes Recipe Ingredients

The preparation time for this delicious recipe is 15-18 minutes, and the total time required is 40 minutes. The recipe serves roughly 12 people. Here are the ingredients you will need:

– 150g softened butter

– 150g caster sugar

– 150g self-raising flour

– Three large free-range eggs

– 2 tbsp milk

– ½ tsp vanilla extract

– 150g black sugar paste (for decoration)

– 15g white sugar paste (for decoration)

– 100-120g white mini marshmallows (for decoration)

– 50g softened butter (for buttercream frosting)

– 100g icing sugar (for buttercream frosting)

– A few drops of vanilla extract (for buttercream frosting)

Preheat the oven to 190:

  1. Preheat fan/gas 5 to prepare the cupcakes. 
  2. In a large mixing bowl, beat the softened butter, caster sugar, self-raising flour, eggs, milk, and vanilla extract with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. 
  3. Divide the mixture into cupcake cases in a tin and bake for 15-18 minutes or until the cakes have risen and spring back when lightly pressed.
  4. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

To decorate the cupcakes:

  1. Take a small piece of black sugar paste (about 10g) and knead it to soften.
  2. Shape it into an oval, slightly flatten it, and make one end narrower than the other to create the forehead and chin.
  3. Set aside.
  4. Knead and flatten two smaller pieces of black sugar paste into ovals for the ears.
  5. Press them onto either side of the broader part of the head.
  6. Create eyes by making two small balls of white sugar paste and pressing them onto the head, slightly flattening them.
  7. Add two tiny balls of black sugar paste onto the eyes.
  8. Optionally, create a small flattened cone shape from black sugar paste for a tail.
  1. Mix the softened butter, icing sugar, vanilla extract, and 1 tbsp boiling water in a large bowl to make the buttercream frosting. Beat until smooth, light, and fluffy. Spread buttercream over the top of each cake, place a head on each cake, and press white mini marshmallows all over the top. Add the tail if desired. Your cupcakes are now ready to serve and enjoy!

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